Defending Holden Caulfield

I know, I know… the book does not need to be defended. It’s still one of the most popular and relevant books but I guess I’m just tired of seeing posts like this on Reddit every other fucking week. Literature, like any art form, is subjective and people might like it or dislike it for any reason they want to but most criticisms I’ve seen online of Catcher in the Rye feel superficial for some reason.

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My Favourite Movie Memories Growing Up

1.        Tarzan (1999)

I remember watching this movie on a VHS tape. Back then, we rented most of the VHS tapes and owned very few of them. My brother and I watched this movie almost daily – which is probably why my parents decided to just pay up and let us keep it.

The tape sadly met its end from my hand when I accidentally put a hot iron on top of it as I was ironing my school uniform (moral of the story being – do not let a seven-year-old iron their own clothes). To be honest, I haven’t re-watched this movie since, and I am not even sure I would like it as much as I did back then.

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Lesser-Known Romance Movies to Watch This Valentine’s Day

If you are a sucker for good romance films and have gone through all the quintessential ones like 500 Days of Summer, Annie Hall, Titanic, etc. then this list is for you. Here is a list of romantic movies that I think more people should watch. And since it’s Valentine’s Day, today might just be the perfect day to start the viewing.

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Favorite Reads of 2020

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


I’ll be honest, this was not a great book but this was a much-needed book for 2020. Stuck in our homes, with our own thoughts, some of us losing employment, we were at the same point as the main character of this book is at the beginning. And the ride that the book takes us along to is a comforting one and we can’t help but be hopeful for Nora and for ourselves – that even though this life might come with its problems and regrets, we will be able to make it through.

This is an easy read even though it kind of slows down in the middle. I would suggest this book to anyone who is feeling a bit down and has regrets about the past.

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Tokyo Godfathers: The Most Underrated Christmas Movie Everyone Needs to Watch

If you are looking for something new for your to-watch list of Christmas Movies let me recommend the late Satoshi Kon’s most light-hearted and magical movie Tokyo Godfathers. This movie follows three “wise” men in the form of three homeless Japanese people who find a little bundle of miracle abandoned during Christmas Eve and spend the whole movie trying to unite the baby to its parents.

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We’re All So Lonely It Hurts and Art as a Band-Aid is not Enough – A Review of I’m Thinking of Ending Things

I am not a Kaufman fan to be honest. But his movies are always an experience regardless of whether I like them or not. Plus, I like the fact that he does not care whether anyone likes his movies at all. And as he makes movies so sparsely, I always find myself awaiting all of his releases eagerly.

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Best Free Apps to Enhance your Lock-down Period

1. Cronometer


Cronometer is a calorie tracking app that enables you to log how many calories you consume and burn throughout the day. The best part of the app is that it lets you track your micronutrient intake even in the free version. So, along with your macro intake, you can see the breakdown of your vitamin and mineral intake.

As many of us are completely stuck at home during the lockdown, I think it is very important to track your diet habits.  Numerous research has found a correlation between Vitamin D deficiency with an increased risk of mortality from Coronavirus. While this might just be a correlation, it doesn’t hurt to track and ensure that you are getting enough of the vitamin.

Some people, me included, might not be too keen on tracking your food habits each and every day but you can just use the app intermittently to ensure that your staple diet is not deficient in anything.

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Homecoming 1


I look out the window of the bus and wait for the horizon to showcase the dazzling mountain range. Seeing the Annapurna range would prove that I’m getting closer to home. But I don’t see it even after I get off the bus and start walking towards home. And even though I’m a bit disappointed, I’m also comforted by the large scoops of clouds that cover the sky. Because the downcast sky and the moody rainfalls are part of what makes this city home.

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