Jamchen Vijaya Stupa; Or Why You Shouldn’t Hike in a Smog

Stupa Main

Last weekend, I decided to go on a short hike. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The rain had come and gone, the sky was visible for the first time in days, and things seemed to be on an upwards trajectory.

I’m just gonna blame brain damage induced by the pollution for that decision and take absolutely no responsibility whatsoever. Anyway, we decided on the Jamchen Vijaya Stupa in Budanilkhantha as our destination. The logic behind it was that it was new and shiny and we aren’t the smartest people in the world.

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Called by Nature-Jamacho

I never thought of writing a blog for myself. But as time passed, my interest in travel started increasing and I wanted to share my stories with the people. As we decided to go on a hike every weekend, I wanted to include my best people in this time of travel. I asked all the close friends of mine but we five could make it happen. They were so much happy with my previous blog post about my travel to Bishnudwaar that they wanted to join me.

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How My Interest in Travel Led Me to Bishnudwaar

I always enjoy travelling with a small group of people rather than travelling in mass. I would like to experience solo travel but never dared to do that. One day my friend asked me whether we should meet at a nearby cafe or hike to Bishnudwaar. I love travelling, but I hardly go on hikes at nearby places, so we choose to go to Bishnudwaar.

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