Lockdown 2.0

Did you ever hear of the words ‘Lockdown’, ‘Quarantine’, ‘Isolation’ etc. before this covid thing?

To be honest, I may have heard them but I never needed to use them in my life. So, I can say I didn’t hear about them. But now those words are more common in use.

It’s been more than a year since the corona virus spread started. Still, it’s been increasing and many people are getting infected and dying. This is a really heartbreaking time for all of us. But we all need to learn to survive. Because Life is very precious.

Besides the sad part, I wanna share what I am doing in this Lockdown 2.0 version. I am not that motivating person to share all the productive things which I didn’t do. Haha! I am just a normal lazy person who doesn’t like to do anything besides watching, eating, and sleeping.

Unfortunately, I got sick 2 days before the lockdown was announced. I got really bad cough for almost 4 days. I was afraid that I had caught covid-19 but when I went for the checkup doctor suggested me to have medicine for some days and if I had not recovered during that time, then check for PCR test and other blood tests.

Luckily, I became all right after 2 days. I work in an IT Company, so I have to work from home 8 hours a day. It’s not as productive as when we worked in the office but we have to give 100% of what we can for work.

From Monday to Friday I start my day waking up at around 8 to 9 am, I already told you, I am too lazy. I always think of doing some exercises, but unfortunately, I am a lazy person 🙁

I freshen up and open my laptop and do some work. Every day there would not be a whole day of working so I watch some series or movies on Netflix. I should be doing some productive things right? But you already know that I am too lazy. God, please help me.

I actually have a lot of things to do. I don’t wanna do anything. I used to paint a lot in the previous lockdown, but now even I don’t want to do that. I tried one, but I just made a mess. I want to learn and do things in the right way, but I am still figuring out what to do.

I like cooking, by the way. I am cooking lots of different items. I don’t know how to make my days productive. But I will definitely do something that can change my life.

You all guys may have a different life schedule to do in this lockdown. If you have anything to share any interesting things happened during this time, please share with us or you can share any motivational stuffs to me to have more interesting lockdown.

But, Hey!!! You don’t have to feel guilty if you don’t have to do anything or you have nothing done productive because its a pandemic. Who wants to do anything rather than surviving? Of course, if you feel guilty you only feel bad about yourself, so be kind to yourself, do whatever you like to do, you wanna sleep all day, just sleep. You wanna watch movie all day, just do it. Who’s gonna judge you for all this?

You never know what will happen tomorrow. Similarly, keep connecting with your friends, family and loved one. Keep talking with them. We can get at least smile in our face by talking to them in this depressing time.

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