Movies to Watch During the Lock-down

Movies and television shows are the ultimate forms of escapism that people have a habit of using all the time almost in an unhealthy way. I am guilty of this charge as well. But who among us hasn’t binge-watched 5 seasons of a show that we don’t even like that much just to get our minds off things that are going wrong in our life.

While there can be a tendency to bring this into an unhealthy level, at a smaller dose, using movies for escapism might not be such a bad thing. Especially in the global crisis that we are all going through. A lot of us are in a position where we are under lock-down and unlike the essential workers who are admirably fighting this thing at the forefront, the most our contribution might amount to is just staying in.

With the lock-down comes the feeling of boredom but also the feeling of anxiety related to being able to watch the whole situation unfold but not being able to make an impact on that situation. In these tough times, diving into the world of a great movie can be a great short-term escape from the current problem.

So here is the list of top 5 movies that I think everyone must absolutely watch. All of the movies mentioned are older releases and there is a likely chance that you have already watched them before. But there is something so calming about the familiarity of watching a favourite movie again. You can take comfort in the fact that you know how it ends, and can just sit back and enjoy the flow of the film.

1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy


Some people might not agree that the trilogy is a good escapist movie based on how dark it gets at times. The dark overtures weaved through the movie might feel close to the anxieties of our times. But the movie is dripped in hope and even in the darkest time, we the viewers are always expected things to work out in the favour of our protagonist and despite the tough times, we know that things will work out. Additionally, the world of Middle Earth is so charming and visually stunning that you can’t help but be immersed there. On top of that, this film has the best soundtrack ever. Howard Shore’s iconic scores feel very integral and entwined with the complex emotions and themes of the movie. The scores are evocative and memorable and have held on their own in terms of popularity throughout the years.

2. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Another movie with a really really great soundtrack, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Much like the LoTR trilogy, this movie for me is about hope and dreams. The movie deals with one of the most universal character traits that a lot of people suffer from – the feeling of inadequacy. Who hasn’t ever felt like they are just coasting through life instead of living? Well, this movie is for them.

Walter Mitty has a tendency to escape his boring life by going into one of his daydreams where he imagines himself doing and saying things that he does not dare to do it real life. We have a term for this specific type of daydreams now. Maladaptive dreaming is a lot unhealthier than normal daydreams and can seriously hinder people’s real lives as they fall more deeply into this habit of escaping into this great world that they have created for themselves.

But this lighthearted movie showcases our protagonist finding his courage and finally resolving all his problems as the movie runs its course. The movie thus showcases a very simple idea in a very purely feel-good sort of way. But this unrealistic aspect is what makes this movie so watchable during this time – nothing bad really happens throughout the movie and we get a proper happy ending.

The cinematography of the movie is simply amazing

Talking about cinematography, the movie is a visual feast which combined with the soundtrack makes the movie such a stylistically appreciable one.

3. The Princess Bride


The Princess Bride is a classic favourite – a pleasant escapist fairy-tale adventure where true love conquers all and good wins over evils. But the movie manages to distinct itself from this genre through the clever and witty characters and the use of motifs to constantly remind you that it’s a fantasy. It never lets the viewers forget that they are watching a movie.

The movie starts with a grandfather reading a fairy tale to his grandson. So the story is being told through the lens of a fairy tale book. The movie manages to be lighthearted and uses exaggerated tropes from fairy tale genres. Despite this, the movie manages to take itself seriously. The motives of the characters and their emotions, and never satirized. And despite things seeming cheesy at times, it is just such a pure film.

4. Cornetto Trilogy


The first movie in the trilogy – Shaun of the Dead – takes a comedic approach to the zombie apocalypse. The second movie, Hot Fuzz, deals with the whodunnit mystery in a small cozy English town while the last movie, The World’s End deals with an alien invasion.

Edgar Wright is the master of visual comedy and his fresh takes on these different genres of movies are detailed, skillful, and hilarious. The movies are at the same time a great caricature of the genres while being one of the strongest and most loved movies representing those genres at the same time.

The best part about these movies is that they get better with repeated viewing. You start seeing all the easter eggs and connecting all the dots and you enjoy it even more.

5. Spirited Away

Spirited Away

One of the most beloved Studio Ghibli movies, Spirited Away will transport you into a fantastical animated world that you will fall in love with. Watching this movie is like remembering what it is to be like a child. Full of wonder and magic, the world in which the movie is set in will completely enamour you.

The movie holds a high appeal for both adults and children. You can either enjoy it at the face value with the mesmerizing cinematography, harrowing soundtrack, and loveable characters. The fantasy world of the movie is filled with unique characters that are fascinating to viewers regardless of age. Additionally, the movie is very meditative in nature with lots of quiet slow moments including the train scene.

But Studio Ghibli films are always layered and can be understood in more ways than one. The movie is packed with symbolism and metaphors including the obvious one like the pollution of the River Spirit and others that are left to the viewer to interpret.

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